Saturday 28 October 2017

Information Creation as a Process

The process of creating information is a thoughtful, meticulous process.  The creators of the information must bear in mind the target audience, the needs and the formats to use to convey the message they intend putting forward.  Information creation  process over the years, has moved beyond the traditional methods of delivery i.e books, journal articles, DVD"S  etc,  we now have rapid sources like blogs, podcasts, you tube videos, internet which can equally meet the information needs of users, but  due to their quick availability, less time to produce,  sometimes proving authenticity  of the information on this sources might not be easy.  To use  these  types of sources require a certain level of discernment from users.  The combination of traditional and rapid sources requires users to keep an open mind when choosing sources and novice users  must be tought how to match the source with the need.

 Blog Homework Instructions

On this exercise we were asked to identify 5  formats based on a previous research topic.  The topic was  Nursing is caring, discuss in pictures how nurses bring healing to patients through caring, to give reasons why the sources were best suited for the information need and to transform the information found onto another source and lastly to reflect on your thought process whilst you were going through the process.

A. Formats of Sources Used
  • Images - The images chosen represented nursing care in pictures.  All the images narrated the story to the viewer of the picture
  • Games-  A nursing game teaching nursing care and treatment plan for Malaria was chosen, as it represents another format of teaching and learning.
  • Case Studies- Nurses on a day to day work with case studies, case studies give history of patient, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment plans.  This source was chosen for the topic as it gives examples on how to put together case studies.
  • Newspaper article- The article gave latest perceptive on the topic. 
  • You tube video- The source was chosen as it gives current information on nursing care plans

B. Transforming information to another format

  1. Images- chosen for my research topic could be converted into a newspaper excerpts, pictures tell stories.  Marketing librarians could do a feature on my chosen images to write a newsletter, commercial journalist could write a piece on their newspapers. In putting together a newspaper article or a newsletter, interviews or a narrative on the story would have to be submitted to convert the image into a meaningful newspaper story.
  2. Games- Nursing teaching Games could be converted onto a nursing manual.  Nursing manuals are meant to serve as an instructional guidelines to users.  They educate, they give step by step guidelines to procedures.  They teach about acts and laws that pertain to a particular field.  A nursing game could easily be converted onto a nursing manual as it covers all the areas mentioned above.
  3. Case Studies- could be converted into a you tube video, students could be asked to design their own case studies and share with others as tips on putting together case studies
  4. Newspaper article- articles read for my assignment could be converted into a blog, where related articles could be shared and discussed for the purpose of sharing news and getting others to engage on nursing current affairs
  5. You tube videos- could be converted into a useful how to manual for nurses.  The tips could be captured in writing with pictures.  The manuals could be used as for quick referral purposes.

1 comment:

  1. A good effort Ms Xwayi, but you were supposed to do the conversions yourself....Through selecting simple formats eg. a journal article into a slideshow...
