Saturday 28 October 2017

Information Creation as a Process

The process of creating information is a thoughtful, meticulous process.  The creators of the information must bear in mind the target audience, the needs and the formats to use to convey the message they intend putting forward.  Information creation  process over the years, has moved beyond the traditional methods of delivery i.e books, journal articles, DVD"S  etc,  we now have rapid sources like blogs, podcasts, you tube videos, internet which can equally meet the information needs of users, but  due to their quick availability, less time to produce,  sometimes proving authenticity  of the information on this sources might not be easy.  To use  these  types of sources require a certain level of discernment from users.  The combination of traditional and rapid sources requires users to keep an open mind when choosing sources and novice users  must be tought how to match the source with the need.

 Blog Homework Instructions

On this exercise we were asked to identify 5  formats based on a previous research topic.  The topic was  Nursing is caring, discuss in pictures how nurses bring healing to patients through caring, to give reasons why the sources were best suited for the information need and to transform the information found onto another source and lastly to reflect on your thought process whilst you were going through the process.

A. Formats of Sources Used
  • Images - The images chosen represented nursing care in pictures.  All the images narrated the story to the viewer of the picture
  • Games-  A nursing game teaching nursing care and treatment plan for Malaria was chosen, as it represents another format of teaching and learning.
  • Case Studies- Nurses on a day to day work with case studies, case studies give history of patient, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment plans.  This source was chosen for the topic as it gives examples on how to put together case studies.
  • Newspaper article- The article gave latest perceptive on the topic. 
  • You tube video- The source was chosen as it gives current information on nursing care plans

B. Transforming information to another format

  1. Images- chosen for my research topic could be converted into a newspaper excerpts, pictures tell stories.  Marketing librarians could do a feature on my chosen images to write a newsletter, commercial journalist could write a piece on their newspapers. In putting together a newspaper article or a newsletter, interviews or a narrative on the story would have to be submitted to convert the image into a meaningful newspaper story.
  2. Games- Nursing teaching Games could be converted onto a nursing manual.  Nursing manuals are meant to serve as an instructional guidelines to users.  They educate, they give step by step guidelines to procedures.  They teach about acts and laws that pertain to a particular field.  A nursing game could easily be converted onto a nursing manual as it covers all the areas mentioned above.
  3. Case Studies- could be converted into a you tube video, students could be asked to design their own case studies and share with others as tips on putting together case studies
  4. Newspaper article- articles read for my assignment could be converted into a blog, where related articles could be shared and discussed for the purpose of sharing news and getting others to engage on nursing current affairs
  5. You tube videos- could be converted into a useful how to manual for nurses.  The tips could be captured in writing with pictures.  The manuals could be used as for quick referral purposes.

Saturday 21 October 2017

Information has value

Research Topic

Nursing is caring, discuss in  pictures how nurses bring healing to patients through caring.

A. Images

Image 1-Attribution-No Derivs

Image 1

There is no better way to instill care than  happiness, nurses wake up every single day to make a difference, to improve lives and to bring happiness to patients and to their families.

This picture was taken on the 08th of April 2010.  Its licence allows for redistribution, commercial and non commercial, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in whole with credit to author.

Image 2-Attribution- Non Commercial- No-Derivs

                                                    Image 2

Nurses bring more to their patients than administering medicine and watching for vital signs, nurses can be seen as beauticians and groomers to their patients, for  caring for someone is holistic, feeling better must start from outside then generally radiates from inside too.

This picture was taken on the 24 March 2009, under the licence Attribution- non commercial-No -devris, which means image maybe be shared , copied and redistributed in any medium or format, provided that attribution is given to creator, non commercial and modified material should not be distributed.

Image 3- Attribution-Non Commercial-Share alike

                                              Image 3

Nurses in their quest to save lives , must also continue to improve on their skill and knowledge to find health solutions .  This they can do by attending health seminars, conferences, masters and doctoral studies.

This image is licenced under Attribution-Non Commercial-Share a like, which means users of the image are free to share, copy, redistribute, adapt or transform image provided that they attribute owner, not use the image for commercial purposes, and if they adapt or change image it must be under the same licence as the original.

Image 4- Attribution Sharealike

Nursing as caring also means having compassion for your patients, young or old.  Treating everyone with care and respect, in a nurturing, supportive way.

This image is licenced under Attribution- sharealike, which means owners of the image must be attributed upon use, image may be shared and adapted provided that the adapted version is distributes under the same licence as the originals.

Image 5-Public domain
At the heart of it all, nurses are seen everyday attending to critical patients and saving lives.  The profession of a nurse is that of selflessness, putting the interest and needs of others before theirs, it really is a calling more than a job.  Countries and nations owe a highest dept to its nurses.

This image was taken in March 2015.  It is a public domain picture, meaning it is free of copyright restrictions, which can also mean users are free to copy, edit and use for commercial gain without asking for permission from owner.

B. Open Education Content (OER)

On this segment we will be introducing nursing care materials that could be useful to nursing students, and communities with interest in nursing,our examples will be coming from open education resources i.e online textbooks, encyclopedia, videos, course share etc.

Image 1 Wikipedia

This is a wiki vet publication that might be of interest to professionals nurses, nursing students and the general public

Condition of use:- Creative commons Attribution-Non Commercial No- Devris 3.0 which means it a share only.  On use attribute author, edited copies not for sale.

Image 2 - Case Studies              

Nurses in their everyday work make use of case studies, to understand conditions, couses, symptoms and treatment plans.  This image is taken from a website of  the National Centre Case Study teaching in Science

Condition of use
The website is owned by the National centre Case Study teaching in Science, which is a non-profit educational site.  Fair use of their materials apply, instructors who make use of their case studies are urged to attribute ownership. Fair use- Attribution.

Image 3 -Games
Learning styles vary per individuals, nurses are no exception.  On this open resource nurses can learn through playing a game, called medicine games. Malaria- Parasites

Condition of Use

The game is owned by Nobel  It is also a non-profit organisation which produce content for educational purposes.  Nobel Web consents to the reproduction, distribution, display, transmission, performance, and use of the Content by individual teachers and other educators if done for the limited purpose of classroom or workshop instruction (including online intranet instruction) in a school or other educational organization; provided, however, said organization is a not-for-profit legal entity and provided, further, that the Content and compilation are not sold or otherwise commercially distributed. Fair use- Attribution- Non- Commercial

C. Media

Lastly we shall look at media snippets on nursing care, it will range from newspaper articles, online videos or podcasts.

1. Newspaper Article

Condition of use

The attached link was found from the IOL website which represents an amalgamation  of certain independent newspapers in South Africa.  According to the site terms and conditions  users, unless otherwise stated  are welcome to copy, download or print out any of the visible text or images on this web site for personal users.  Users wishing to utilise content for commercial purposes may only do so with the prior written permission of the web site owner. Requests for commercial use may be submitted. The granting or refusing of permission is completely within the discretion of the web site owner, and may be conditional.  Any use of the content or any other part of the web site, including any content sent to users, must be clearly accompanied by the following: "© Independent On-line [insert year in which content is copied]. All rights reserved." Attribution-Non-Commercial

2. Online video

The above shows an online video found on Lippincot Nursing resource website. This is a private owned compny in the US. Conditions of use stipulates that All materials on this site are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, or otherwise published without the prior written permission of Wolters Kluwer/LWW. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright, or other notice. Attribution-Non-commercial

3. Audio- Attribution share a like

This audio teaches about nursing education, it types, historical background, training's linked to nursing.  The audio original link/owner of the picture remained visible during the visual play of the audio.

4. Nursing article
Cover image for Vol. 22 Issue 5

A nursing article found on a subscription based website, discussing topics in critical nursing care.

Condition of use
Educational  institutions with a current paid subscription to the journal may make multiple copies for teaching purposes without charge, provided such copies are not resold or copied. In all other cases, permission should be obtained from a reproduction rights organisation (see below) or directly from RightsLink®.  Attribution -non commercial rule apply.